
14 degrees

Did some bike shots of Ryan Greene this weekend, even though it was 14 degrees out IN THE SUN! Hit up the local concrete park until Ryan slipped out on some snow and smashed his knee into the cold concrete. Got to play with a Tamron f2.8 long lens. Felt verrry nice. Sharp as shit, too! I'll get some photos from the shoot up soon.

Photo shoot tonight in the studio. I've got high hopes for this one.

Crazy Chris. Drop and thread the doorway.


Here we go again...

2007, time to start a new, fresh blog. Right? It's the IN thing so... gotta do what you gotta do.

Big plans for 2007. I've been talking to a LOT of people for upcoming shots; new sports, new portraits, new fashion. It's going be a big year. Trust me.

New webbysite is coming next month, as well. So stay keen to updates.